COVID-19 Spa Update and Appointment Protocol
We have put measures in place in preparation for when we are advised that we can reopen which we all hope is sooner rather than later! The new safety precautions will restrict the number of clients and staff that we are able to have onsite at any given time, the type of treatments we are able to offer and the amount of time we are able to spend with you.
The safety of clients and staff remains our focus and we hope to resume 'normal' services as soon as we can. But in the mean time you will see some changes at your next appointment.
Please do not attend the spa without an appointment. The door will be locked to ensure social distancing and limit the number of people in the spa.
You will be triaged over the telephone prior to your appointment and at your appointment for symptoms of COVID-19 as part of our safety procedure. You will also be asked to have your temperature checked by a member of staff on entrance. This will be non-contact and is voluntary but recommended.
Please attend alone unless you need to be accompanied by a parent/ carer.
There will be hand sanitiser and masks available as you enter the building. Please use these and you may wear your own mask if you have one.
As the waiting rooms will not be in use we ask that you remain in your car or outside the building and we will phone you to let you know we are ready for your appointment. To minimise the contact between clients we will be staggering the appointments and they will be shorter than usual.
We ask you to adhere to the 2m social distancing rule as you move around the building.
Unfortunately, we will not be able to offer any refreshments during your visit.
Toilet and shower facilities will not be available unless necessary. Please bear this in mind as you prepare for your visit.
We would like to avoid handling cash payments during this time. If you have no alternative to a cash payment please bring the correct amount in a sealed bag to your appointment.
All staff have been fully trained in Infection Prevention & Control and will be wear the appropriate PPE. All rooms are fully disinfected between clients.